Sala Annamalai’s journey is a testament to a mother’s love and profound discoveries. It began with a search for infant massage classes for her youngest son but soon evolved into something significant, transforming Sala’s life and inspiring families worldwide.
Motivated by her desire to connect with her children on a deeper level, Sala immersed herself in the world of infant massage. Through training in Hong Kong, she realized its power to foster a profound bond between parent and child.
In 2020, Sala began offering infant massage classes. These classes empower parents to bond with their babies through nurturing touch, enhancing the parent-child relationship.
Today, Sala, as a Contact Person for India in the International Association of Infant Massage, inspires and empowers families globally. Her journey, from a curious mother to a respected instructor and advocate, illustrates the profound impact of love, dedication, and gentle touch on parents and babies. Hailing from the vibrant city of Coimbatore, India, Sala Annamalai infuses her work with the rich cultural heritage and warmth of her homeland, spreading the practice of infant massage with a touch of Indian hospitality and compassion.
Through her own experiences as a mother and her training as an instructor, Sala discovered the transformative power of touch. She witnessed firsthand how the gentle strokes and loving gestures of infant massage could not only alleviate discomfort but also strengthen the emotional connection between parent and child.
With newfound confidence and determination, from 2020 Sala Offering infant massage classes under the name “Mudhal Sparisam,” meaning “First Touch” in Tamil, empowers parents with skills to bond with their babies through nurturing touch. It creates a supportive community where parents learn and connect, enhancing the parent-child bond.
Today, as the contact person for the International Association of Infant Massage, Sala Annamalai continues to inspire and empower families around the world. Her journey from a curious mother seeking connection with her child to a respected instructor and advocate is a testament to the profound impact that love, dedication, and a gentle touch can have on the lives of parents and their precious babies.
Sala Annamalai, a mother of two boys, embarked on her transformative journey into the world of infant massage because of her deep love for her children, igniting a passion that would ultimately empower families worldwide. Hailing from the vibrant city of Coimbatore, India, Sala Annamalai infuses her work with the rich cultural heritage and warmth of her homeland, spreading the practice of infant massage with a touch of Indian hospitality and compassion.