Advantages Of The IAIM India Infant Massage Program
Did you know that parents who enroll in an IAIM program gain far more knowledge than simply the techniques of a massage?
Numerous kinds of touch, movement, contact, and communication are used in our curriculum.
Infant massage can help newborns and families in a variety of ways, according to science and anecdotal evidence from families.
Four areas can be used to categorize the benefits for babies: interaction, stimulation, relief, and relaxation. Benefits for parents, the entire family, and society are also acknowledged.
Benefits for Babies - Interaction
Regular massage encourages spending time together with both parents:
For bonding and secure attachment
Feeling loved, valued and respected
Developing trust and confidence
Early contact with both parents, developing empathy
Verbal and non-verbal communication, using all of the senses
Regular massage supports infant development by:
stimulation of every bodily system, including the immunological, circulatory, hormonal, digestive, and elimination systems; also includes joint mobility and muscular tone.
Gaining a deeper understanding of the body through perceiving, coordinating, and balancing it Promote speaking and vocalizations
Improving self-regulation
Improving sleep quality
Release of neuro-mediators involved in brain development
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